
Let's Get Practical

May 9, 2021    John Shirk

This quarter, our focus is on Downward Devotion - which begs the question - how am I creating the necessary space/margin to spend time with the Lord?

This is more than just at the start of my day or end of my day...this is about how I use my entire day for the Lord.

We have have some practical tips (watch the video for a great explanation):
- When you're driving to work, picking up your kids, getting groceries, etc...listen to worship music or a faith-based podcast.

- Sing worship songs that you know by heart while you're doing everyday tasks, like laundry or cleaning.

- Set reminders up throughout the day to remind you to pray or reflect on God's faithfulness

- Pick one verse out of your daily scripture reading/devo that you choose to memorize and repeat throughout the day.

Click or tap the button below to find some simple resources to get you started!