
An Element of the Restoration Plan

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We’ve been working tirelessly to reinstate Pastor Matt. Here is one such plan that was presented to Pastor Matt and we are still praying that he will accept. Will you join us?
This plan is simple, and it is to keep Pastor Matt as our Lead Pastor and to help him and his family in any way we can. (How have we done that up to this point?) Well, we’ve agreed to keep Pastor Matt’s pay intact, keep him in certain leadership positions, and in consultation with ServingLeaders Ministries, that’s the professional group we’ve hired to help us with this. We developed an extensive plan to help Pastor Matt be fully restored to ministry. One of our final steps in that restoration plan is to celebrate Pastor Matt and his wife Laura back into full service at Coastal Christian. Yes, that is actually written into the plan that we presented.
It is still our position that we want to see full restoration and our brother back in the pulpit as soon as possible because we love him and admire his many gifts. We think this should be obvious from the amount of time and resources we have already put into this and are willing to put even more, meaning whatever it takes.
On April 12th, we offered this restoration plan that included a 40-day initiative where one of our Pastors offered to walk alongside Pastor Matt for 40 straight days, where they would do short local mission trips together, pray together every day for 40 days, read, fast, memorize and meditate on Scriptures together.
This Pastor also offered to divide both of their lives up into areas and compare those areas to the Scriptures so they could become strong in the Lord. Also, to walk side by side with Pastor Matt to restore any broken areas with other family or friends that may have been affected by some of Pastor Matt’s personal issues.
This same Pastor then offered at the end of 40 days going on a retreat together, along with all the Elders, and finally at the end of the 40 days the vision is to stand on stage together and celebrate what the Lord had done in all of our lives!
The plan included Pastor Matt stepping down from one position, not the position of Elder, President, or even as a Pastor, but stepping down from the position of Lead Visionary Pastor, and instead working with a plurality of elders, which promotes accountability and a broader vision while still remaining the Lead Pastor.
Therefore, we would simply ask that you help us by committing to pray for Pastor Matt, his family, the Elders, and their families and of course, the Church until this is resolved. We can do this together and believe this plan would honor God.
So, pray along with us that Pastor Matt would accept this restoration so he can resume his full duties as Lead Pastor, and then join us in extending forgiveness towards so many that have hindered this process through slander or general misinformation.
If you’ve been part of any type of slander, we want you to know we forgive you as Christ has forgiven us and not only do we forgive, but we are ready to begin 40 days of forgiveness along with you!
So, would you do us a favor? Would you consider joining us for the next 40 days, praying together and forgiving each other for 40 straight days? In the end of the 40 days, we believe God will do a miracle of healing and restoration! God is able, right?
Please join us for 40 days of prayer and forgiveness, and we’ll keep you updated on this process. We need each and every member of the body.
If you should have any questions and would like to talk to one of the Elders, which we encourage you to do (to keep love and truth as the goal), please begin that process by sending us an email at [email protected] and someone from our Elder board will respond within 48 hours.
We just want to say thank you in advance for praying as this has been tough on all of us, including our families. We’d like to leave with this verse from Ephesians,
 "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you" (Ephesians 4:32).