Armor of God (Part 2)

Read: Ephesians 6:10-20
The truths that are placed in this portion of Ephesians 6 need to be divided into multiple posts. Don’t worry, we will get to each piece of the armor - I promise!
But first, there are some biblical principles that I want us to observe.
God uses the natural to reveal the spiritual
In 1 Corinthians 15:46, we read “The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual.” Hidden in this verse is a truth that occurs all throughout scripture.
The Lord often reveals spiritual truth to you and me by first employing the use of a natural truth. Jesus’ use of parables is an example of this principle.
Now why do I mention this? Because the whole spiritual application of the armor of God is directly related to that “natural” fact that Paul was often chained loosely to a Roman soldier in full armor, complete with even the helmet!
It has been suggested by many biblical scholars that at some point in Paul’s exposure to this fully armor-clad soldier, the Holy Spirit gave Paul a revelation of just exactly the kind of armor that was available to the followers of Christ.
The enemy we’re fighting
It was no secret that the Roman military was perhaps the best in the world for a major portion of New Testament times and beyond. Their equipment, strategies, and preparation made them a mighty force as Rome conquered much of the known world.
You and I are engaged in a warfare against an enemy who’s strategies or schemes are directly opposed to you, me and the cause of Christ. Take some time to look at this reality through verses 10 and 11.
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.”
In light of the stresses, tensions and challenges that occur with almost all of our relationships, combined with the interference from Satan, we have a decision to make. And when Paul uses the word “finally,” he is inviting us to do exactly that.
The decision we need to make
This word “finally” could be translated “from now on.” To put it another way, “I’ve had enough of this, and I’m not just going to find a way to deal with this, but I’ll find a way to transform all that I’m facing into an opportunity for Christ to reign in my life!”
The first part of this decision is recognizing what God often said to His people, “The battle is not yours, but Mine.” Or in other places, “I the Lord will fight for you.”
God gives us the strength
The phrase “be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might” implies that God has already provided for you and me the strength, stamina and determination that we need.
The verb “be strong” is in the present tense and imperative mood. That means it is something that we can continually do, and that we are commanded or ordered to do. This verb also means that we can be filled with power from the Lord that can cause us to have dominion over what we are facing, because He has already assured us of victory.
The phrase “in the strength of His might” indicates that you and I are NOT helpless or left alone.
Remember how when in John 11 both Martha and Mary said to Jesus, “Lord if You have been here, our brother would not have died”? Well, Jesus is here! He is here in our midst and in us by the habitation of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us.
Oh dear, dear child of God, do you think that our Father would leave us defenseless, helpless and alone? He never, ever will! It is Christ who leads us forth in triumph, and we are more than conquerors through Him.
Trust in God’s promises
It is true that in the world we will have tribulations. But He who loved us and gave Himself for us has overcome the world. Bathe yourself in the luxurious promises of the Word of God.
Many were reluctant, sometimes shy and convinced of their meager abilities. But then the Spirit of the Lord came upon them - or in our case, came to live within us. Don’t ever quit, for the One who saved you and loves you will never quit on you!
So church, come on and “Raise a Hallelujah.” Let there be a shout of victory and joy in the camp, for through these posts we will discover that the Word makes it abundantly clear that He has given us an armor that has all that we need for offensive and defensive living.
Peter put it like this in 2 Peter 1:2-3, “Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.”
Blessings and prayers,
Pastor Gene
The truths that are placed in this portion of Ephesians 6 need to be divided into multiple posts. Don’t worry, we will get to each piece of the armor - I promise!
But first, there are some biblical principles that I want us to observe.
God uses the natural to reveal the spiritual
In 1 Corinthians 15:46, we read “The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual.” Hidden in this verse is a truth that occurs all throughout scripture.
The Lord often reveals spiritual truth to you and me by first employing the use of a natural truth. Jesus’ use of parables is an example of this principle.
Now why do I mention this? Because the whole spiritual application of the armor of God is directly related to that “natural” fact that Paul was often chained loosely to a Roman soldier in full armor, complete with even the helmet!
It has been suggested by many biblical scholars that at some point in Paul’s exposure to this fully armor-clad soldier, the Holy Spirit gave Paul a revelation of just exactly the kind of armor that was available to the followers of Christ.
The enemy we’re fighting
It was no secret that the Roman military was perhaps the best in the world for a major portion of New Testament times and beyond. Their equipment, strategies, and preparation made them a mighty force as Rome conquered much of the known world.
You and I are engaged in a warfare against an enemy who’s strategies or schemes are directly opposed to you, me and the cause of Christ. Take some time to look at this reality through verses 10 and 11.
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.”
In light of the stresses, tensions and challenges that occur with almost all of our relationships, combined with the interference from Satan, we have a decision to make. And when Paul uses the word “finally,” he is inviting us to do exactly that.
The decision we need to make
This word “finally” could be translated “from now on.” To put it another way, “I’ve had enough of this, and I’m not just going to find a way to deal with this, but I’ll find a way to transform all that I’m facing into an opportunity for Christ to reign in my life!”
The first part of this decision is recognizing what God often said to His people, “The battle is not yours, but Mine.” Or in other places, “I the Lord will fight for you.”
God gives us the strength
The phrase “be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might” implies that God has already provided for you and me the strength, stamina and determination that we need.
The verb “be strong” is in the present tense and imperative mood. That means it is something that we can continually do, and that we are commanded or ordered to do. This verb also means that we can be filled with power from the Lord that can cause us to have dominion over what we are facing, because He has already assured us of victory.
The phrase “in the strength of His might” indicates that you and I are NOT helpless or left alone.
Remember how when in John 11 both Martha and Mary said to Jesus, “Lord if You have been here, our brother would not have died”? Well, Jesus is here! He is here in our midst and in us by the habitation of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us.
Oh dear, dear child of God, do you think that our Father would leave us defenseless, helpless and alone? He never, ever will! It is Christ who leads us forth in triumph, and we are more than conquerors through Him.
Trust in God’s promises
It is true that in the world we will have tribulations. But He who loved us and gave Himself for us has overcome the world. Bathe yourself in the luxurious promises of the Word of God.
Many were reluctant, sometimes shy and convinced of their meager abilities. But then the Spirit of the Lord came upon them - or in our case, came to live within us. Don’t ever quit, for the One who saved you and loves you will never quit on you!
So church, come on and “Raise a Hallelujah.” Let there be a shout of victory and joy in the camp, for through these posts we will discover that the Word makes it abundantly clear that He has given us an armor that has all that we need for offensive and defensive living.
Peter put it like this in 2 Peter 1:2-3, “Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.”
Blessings and prayers,
Pastor Gene
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