Mary & Martha

Lately, the Lord has been reminding me of the story of Mary and Martha in Luke, as I try to navigate this new season of raising four children, managing my home, and trying to be the virtuous woman He has called me to be. But I must admit there are times when I’m overwhelmed and distracted.
Like Martha, I find myself trying to make everything perfect in my home, yet I’m prone to comparison. I feel let down when I look at other women around me that seem to have it all together. Even worse, I compare myself to Instagram posts and Pinterest boards that I can never measure up to. Scrolling through Instagram, I see stay- at- home moms with flawless make-up, lounging in designer homes, who are eager to show me how to shop the latest deals and decorate my mantel for the holiday-- all while homeschooling their kids! What seems like a harmless stroll on Pinterest and Instagram leaves me entangled in the ropes of comparison, and before I can wiggle free, my joy is suffocated.
Still amid this struggle our Heavenly Father is so good. He gives us this story of Mary and Martha because He knows the pressure we are under as women. He knows-- just like Martha-- we are tempted by the enemy to focus on the “things we need to do” like managing a home, working full-time, or serving at our church rather than on Christ. Through His compassion for us, He illustrates how He sees us right where we are in our efforts to serve others and calls us to draw closer to Him.
In the story, we see Martha doing everything she can within her power to serve Jesus and His disciples. But in her obligatory duties, her prime focus becomes fulfilling the tasks to be done rather than spending time with the one who fulfills all our needs. But worse yet, her distraction leads to bitterness, frustration and self-pity, as she watches her sister Mary kneeling at Jesus’s feet.
Martha, with resentment in her heart asks Jesus to tell Mary to help her because she feels embittered. When my husband kisses me good-bye in the morning and there is an entire kitchen to clean up after breakfast, a baby to nurse, a 2-year-old to entertain and piles of laundry to clean, I’ve often felt bitter and in my self-pity cried out “Lord, Lord I need help, why can’t my husband help out more around here? I can’t do this Lord! I can’t get it all done!” And in His compassion for me, He gently says my name, “Nicole, Nicole, all you need is me. My presence is enough, my grace is enough, my peace is enough for you to accomplish what looks impossible.”
Just as Jesus lovingly told Martha to stop being so distracted by what her sister was doing, he reminds her that Mary chose the better position by kneeling at his feet. God our father wants to remind us that He desires us to seek Him above all us, as the scripture says, “SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS AND ALL THESE THINGS WILL BE ADDED UNTO YOU. “(MATTHEW 6:33)
It is His Desire that we listen to His voice, humble ourselves to His will, and study His Word, rather than trying to live out the “perfect life” posted on social media. He calls us as women to something far greater than the comparison of our social media feed! So let us refocus our gaze and rise up seeking Him first, because when we do everything else will fall into its proper place.
Like Martha, I find myself trying to make everything perfect in my home, yet I’m prone to comparison. I feel let down when I look at other women around me that seem to have it all together. Even worse, I compare myself to Instagram posts and Pinterest boards that I can never measure up to. Scrolling through Instagram, I see stay- at- home moms with flawless make-up, lounging in designer homes, who are eager to show me how to shop the latest deals and decorate my mantel for the holiday-- all while homeschooling their kids! What seems like a harmless stroll on Pinterest and Instagram leaves me entangled in the ropes of comparison, and before I can wiggle free, my joy is suffocated.
Still amid this struggle our Heavenly Father is so good. He gives us this story of Mary and Martha because He knows the pressure we are under as women. He knows-- just like Martha-- we are tempted by the enemy to focus on the “things we need to do” like managing a home, working full-time, or serving at our church rather than on Christ. Through His compassion for us, He illustrates how He sees us right where we are in our efforts to serve others and calls us to draw closer to Him.
In the story, we see Martha doing everything she can within her power to serve Jesus and His disciples. But in her obligatory duties, her prime focus becomes fulfilling the tasks to be done rather than spending time with the one who fulfills all our needs. But worse yet, her distraction leads to bitterness, frustration and self-pity, as she watches her sister Mary kneeling at Jesus’s feet.
Martha, with resentment in her heart asks Jesus to tell Mary to help her because she feels embittered. When my husband kisses me good-bye in the morning and there is an entire kitchen to clean up after breakfast, a baby to nurse, a 2-year-old to entertain and piles of laundry to clean, I’ve often felt bitter and in my self-pity cried out “Lord, Lord I need help, why can’t my husband help out more around here? I can’t do this Lord! I can’t get it all done!” And in His compassion for me, He gently says my name, “Nicole, Nicole, all you need is me. My presence is enough, my grace is enough, my peace is enough for you to accomplish what looks impossible.”
Just as Jesus lovingly told Martha to stop being so distracted by what her sister was doing, he reminds her that Mary chose the better position by kneeling at his feet. God our father wants to remind us that He desires us to seek Him above all us, as the scripture says, “SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS AND ALL THESE THINGS WILL BE ADDED UNTO YOU. “(MATTHEW 6:33)
It is His Desire that we listen to His voice, humble ourselves to His will, and study His Word, rather than trying to live out the “perfect life” posted on social media. He calls us as women to something far greater than the comparison of our social media feed! So let us refocus our gaze and rise up seeking Him first, because when we do everything else will fall into its proper place.
Posted in focus
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Nicole this is beautiful so well worded. You are a strong mom. God bless you and your family. Encouraging words. Sending you a hug
Just what I needed this evening! Thank you
Thanks for writing this insightful post, Nicole. You encourage each of us to remember that when we turn our eyes upon Jesus, and look full in His wonderful face, the things of this earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace, as the beloved old hymn says. God bless you!
Well written, Nicole, and quite timely!! Thanks for being transparent!! I can relate and I think all moms would agree!