Seeing Things New (Part 1)

Read: Galatians 5:22
God’s Word help us see new truths
Oh how I love the word of God!
For over six decades, the Lord has granted me to know Him in His Word. I praise Him for being the Author of our salvation. But I pray that I may never, ever lose the expectation that the Word of God will always speak to me truths I know, and grant me to see truths yet to be discovered.
No matter where we find ourselves, whether we are in joy, stress, anxiety, or lost in wonder and praise of the Father’s faithfulness, the Word of God will still continue to give both old and familiar revelations of the Lord, and through the persistent guidance of the Holy Spirit, always bring us to new understanding and insight of the blessings offered to those who name His name.
Love is the first fruit we need to have
Now with these thoughts in mind, will you accompany me as we walk through Galatians 5:22?
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”
The seeking child of God will always find themselves asking what Biblical scholars call “interpretative questions.” The first fruit of the Spirit listed is love, and why is that?
The word “fruit” implies that there is a progression intended. Most of us would know that the Greek word for love is ἀγάπη (agapē), which means “love which centers in moral preference.” In other words, this definition implies a choice, not just an emotion.
The reason “love” appears first may be because making a choice to love without regard will allow all these other “fruits” or characteristics to grow, and enable us to exhibit the character of Jesus. And when this fruit begins to grow towards maturity, one of the first consequences is joy.
Joy comes from a heart of love
Pure unadulterated joy will always flow from a heart of love. Nowhere is this more true than within a family where love reigns. In this type of family, joy flows sometimes like a gentle stream, constant and true, or even sometimes like a raging river, overcoming all obstacles in its path.
Oh dear children of God, set your heart and mind to love first, and all these other attributes will persistently attach themselves to your lives. And you will be wrapped in a joy that will be your strength and constant companion.
God rejoices over us with joy
Zephaniah 3:17, “The Lord your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.”
Do you see what is implied here in this verse from Zephaniah? It is because of the Father’s “agape,” this constant love of choice, that the Lord God Himself rejoices over you and me.
Lord willing, we will continue this post next week and explore and examine these other “fruits” implanted in our lives by the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Blessings and prayers,
Pastor Gene
God’s Word help us see new truths
Oh how I love the word of God!
For over six decades, the Lord has granted me to know Him in His Word. I praise Him for being the Author of our salvation. But I pray that I may never, ever lose the expectation that the Word of God will always speak to me truths I know, and grant me to see truths yet to be discovered.
No matter where we find ourselves, whether we are in joy, stress, anxiety, or lost in wonder and praise of the Father’s faithfulness, the Word of God will still continue to give both old and familiar revelations of the Lord, and through the persistent guidance of the Holy Spirit, always bring us to new understanding and insight of the blessings offered to those who name His name.
Love is the first fruit we need to have
Now with these thoughts in mind, will you accompany me as we walk through Galatians 5:22?
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”
The seeking child of God will always find themselves asking what Biblical scholars call “interpretative questions.” The first fruit of the Spirit listed is love, and why is that?
The word “fruit” implies that there is a progression intended. Most of us would know that the Greek word for love is ἀγάπη (agapē), which means “love which centers in moral preference.” In other words, this definition implies a choice, not just an emotion.
The reason “love” appears first may be because making a choice to love without regard will allow all these other “fruits” or characteristics to grow, and enable us to exhibit the character of Jesus. And when this fruit begins to grow towards maturity, one of the first consequences is joy.
Joy comes from a heart of love
Pure unadulterated joy will always flow from a heart of love. Nowhere is this more true than within a family where love reigns. In this type of family, joy flows sometimes like a gentle stream, constant and true, or even sometimes like a raging river, overcoming all obstacles in its path.
Oh dear children of God, set your heart and mind to love first, and all these other attributes will persistently attach themselves to your lives. And you will be wrapped in a joy that will be your strength and constant companion.
God rejoices over us with joy
Zephaniah 3:17, “The Lord your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.”
Do you see what is implied here in this verse from Zephaniah? It is because of the Father’s “agape,” this constant love of choice, that the Lord God Himself rejoices over you and me.
Lord willing, we will continue this post next week and explore and examine these other “fruits” implanted in our lives by the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Blessings and prayers,
Pastor Gene
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