In Christ Jesus

Read: Romans 8:1-2
Oh, what an incredible verse to begin our day with! No matter what has happened, no matter how many times we may have “missed the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus,” this verse obliterates it all.
As my custom is, as I’m writing this post I’m listening to worship songs. Again today started off with “What a Beautiful Name,” and the words, “You have no rival, You have no equal, Now and forever God You reign. Yours is the kingdom, Yours is the glory, Yours is the Name above all names!”
Just let these words rise up in your hearts and know your life from God’s perspective. The awesome phrase “in Christ Jesus” is the bestowment of forever-forgiveness, a cleansing so deep, so real, so needed, that we stand before the Almighty God as a redeemed child.
Come on church - focus on this, set your affections on things above, and live in the victory “in Christ Jesus” that is everlastingly ours.
I can hardly type these words without knowing that I need to fall on my face in adoration of the Most High God, the God of angel armies! This Name is the name above all names.
Go ahead world, go ahead virus, go ahead all fiery darts of the enemy, you all must bow before our King. This morning we are before Him who reigns, and we are more than conquerors (literally super-heroes) through Him that loved us.
Rejoice! And again, I say rejoice.
Blessings and prayers, in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Gene
Oh, what an incredible verse to begin our day with! No matter what has happened, no matter how many times we may have “missed the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus,” this verse obliterates it all.
As my custom is, as I’m writing this post I’m listening to worship songs. Again today started off with “What a Beautiful Name,” and the words, “You have no rival, You have no equal, Now and forever God You reign. Yours is the kingdom, Yours is the glory, Yours is the Name above all names!”
Just let these words rise up in your hearts and know your life from God’s perspective. The awesome phrase “in Christ Jesus” is the bestowment of forever-forgiveness, a cleansing so deep, so real, so needed, that we stand before the Almighty God as a redeemed child.
Come on church - focus on this, set your affections on things above, and live in the victory “in Christ Jesus” that is everlastingly ours.
I can hardly type these words without knowing that I need to fall on my face in adoration of the Most High God, the God of angel armies! This Name is the name above all names.
Go ahead world, go ahead virus, go ahead all fiery darts of the enemy, you all must bow before our King. This morning we are before Him who reigns, and we are more than conquerors (literally super-heroes) through Him that loved us.
Rejoice! And again, I say rejoice.
Blessings and prayers, in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Gene
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